Saturday, November 1, 2008

3 months in 3 seconds

So it's true, I've been slacking off on my blogging duties. Somehow they just haven't fit into the 24 hours in each day. So what's happened since the last time I wrote...

I moved to a new apartment. My cousin Danielle moved to LA and I moved in with her, Sara and Jessica at the Greenfield house. It's been quite nice even though I miss the shenanigans of the Missouri house at times.

Between work and school starting a majority of each 24 hour period is all but gone. But I guess it's my own fault for taking classes, working in the clinic and on the research study all while thinking I could possibly have some sort of life outside of that. Ha.

Prop 8 calling and other activities have taken up much of Saturdays and evenings. And USC football has filled in the Saturdays where Prop 8 has left a few minutes.

We had a death in the apartment. Poor Josephine our fish finally went the way of the earth. She was pretty much fraying at the fins and was no longer her golden color. So I guess it was best for everyone.

I guess technically there was another death as my trusty computer of 4 years decided it had had enough of my abuse. Without sufficient warning it just started turning off in the middle of being used. So I was forced to replace it with a better behaved one.

We also had an adopted pet for a couple of days. Oscar our really cool but slightly scary looking spider that took residence on our porch. I told him every day that he was fine being on the porch but if he even thought of coming in the house, death. He listened and stayed outside. He ran away after a few days of enjoying our porch.

Halloween has come and gone and was a recycling project for me. Some of you will remember the rainbow from last year's group Halloween costume. Well I was orange and couldn't let all those good orange clothes go to waste, so was an orange crayon this year. It was the best I could come up with in an hour on Friday before the party. I wish I had pictures to document this, but my camera conveniently ran out of batteries as soon as I turned it on. So until someone posts a picture on facebook and I can steal it there will be no pictures.

I think that pretty much catches people up on my life for the most part. Maybe I will find another occasion to blog and the time required to do it in close proximity of each other in the near future.


Emily said...

Rest in Peace Josephine!! I hope she didn't die because her two previous humans abandoned her, not to mention her fishy friend that she has surely now joined in the hereafter.

Jessica said...

I didn't know you were an orange crayon for Halloween! Fun!!! I want to see the photos too. :)