Monday, February 20, 2012

Deep Sea Fishing

A few months ago a bought a TravelZoo deal with a couple of friends for deep sea fishing. This past weekend we finally found a time when most of us could go. It was so much fun. There were 6 of us in our group and probably 50 other people on the boat fishing with us. We started bright and early from Newport Harbor so it made for an early morning. But it was a beautiful day and it was great just to spend the day outdoors. Sadly not many fish were actually in season right now but I ended up catching 12 perch. The limit was 10 so I only kept the biggest ones. I took the easy way out and let the guys on the boat gut and filet them. But I did take the bones out myself. The gulls and pelicans were following the boat in swarms while the fish were being gutted.
 It was pretty fun to watch them diving into the water for the fish scraps. After some advice from more advanced fishermen I cooked up some of the fish last night for dinner. It was pretty amazing. If all fish tasted that fresh I could eat it every day. Even my roommate who doesn't like fish said that it was good! Good thing there is more in the fridge for dinner tonight.


jony said...
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Amanda said...
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Amanda said...
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Abbey Inn Cedar said...
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